Monday 1 June 2009

Hmm... Sports fever...

Seems like everyone is going on this marathon fever. I may soon end up being in a triathlon with Mr Melvin Lee. Still thinking about it. 750m swim, 10km run, 5km cycle. Holy. Not sure man. Ship already asked us to go run for the Army Half marathon. >_<

Alright, inspection is coming up with soccer this friday. Kida of cool, everyone is like going to have a chance to play on the field, looking around desperately for a pair of size 9 boots. Anybody can spare??? Prefably, if can, give me a pair of old one. LOL. If not loan me also can. They are super hardcore, going to play 90 minutes of that.

My quest for silver failed terribly. 4 stations got gold standard already. Just left the freaking running. Screw it man, i really cant run for nuts. Shit. 100 bucks. I must get it, just to claim back my stupid backpay for NDP. ( oh shit, HZ is going back tot the BAckpay thingy....)

Haha, ok now is also like the season of getting together. More and more couples are surfacing like submarines... LOL. but there are some who made some tough choices. In any case, life still go on =)

Went to the VJCO concert. basically it was like a get together session. Saw the VSCO seniors, met up with my childhood buddy jordan, met XIN AN too! Super duper long have not seen him. some officer at this lim chu kang camp. Used to be the same height as him, and quite obvious, I remain like the puddle of stagnant water and he grew like the evaporated droplets. ( crap, what description)... LOl. But really nice catching up. Whole concert I was just waiting to listen to Jay Chou 蒲公英的约定. It was nice! Really! And they played it twice. Shiok!

Hmm, but I must comment on some people's attitude to the concert. People were like cheering their friends on, which I think was ok la. No doubt it is irritating to a certain extent, when they can't keep quiet, but somehow or rather, it will boost the morale. Some peeps in the audience kept shhhhing all the people who were cheering their friends on. I mean give them a break, just cheer lor. Of course, the people who are cheering too must control abit, some really loose control, like some superstar have arrived at VJC audit or what. LOL.

K la, off to sleep. I guess I will staying at tuas for a week. Some maintenance crap. Hassle to travel from one end to another end. Can die ah!
Will be burning my weekends off during the second half. 500 bucks up in the air for something that has an expiry date. Seriously WTF.

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