Thursday, 31 March 2011

3 essays

6th April
8th April
18th April

Get your essay working HZ.

Whirlwind week. Never did I expect it to happen. Life is full of surprises.

Feeling kind of " Li Bu Cong Xin" . Why Why? For my mid terms, I can say that I did well. English Above average, and IR just with the average. Wanna make this sem a good one. I got to push on!

Like I said, this world still focuses on grades. Look at the recent candidates introduced by all the different parties. With today's advent of social network, it is scary to see the level of scrutiny on these new candidates. Whether they were married, or if they bought Kate Spade bag, and even if their name is a joke, all these were dug out within 24 hours.

Insane? Yes absolutely. Gone were the days where privacy is really private. However, we stop to pause again, who let this privacy erode from us? When we trace back, it is still ourselves. Yup, at this moment while I type this, I know this will be seen through the net. But there is an underlying purpose for it. Anyone who wants to run as a politician, remember to eradicate all traces of your past on the net, for you do not want something unforeseeable to happen to you. Like a warning to myself =D

Anyway, I am off. Hmm, changes? A new direction. It will come =)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Why don't facebool create a timeline that writes down every single activity you have done on facebook and create like a blog post? Twitter should consider that too.
Just some random entrepreneurship thoughts running through my mind.Haha

Saturday, 26 March 2011


It is good to have someone who is so frank with you, to point out your flaws and your good points. Someone who is there to hear your problems, giving solutions instead of just listening to them.

Am really thankful to have these friends.=) Wanted to come up with a long post dedicated to everyone who came to my party, but then again, procrastination sets in.
Well, not really though, procrastination has become something of the past of me. Whether it comes back to haunt me, I guess time will tell.

"We learn history so as not let it repeat itself" Why then do certain stuff keep occuring again? Once you allow irrationality to take over your minds, that is the time when rationality bades farewell to you. I am disappointed with myself if things turn out to be that screwed up. Haiz.

Anyway, this is the time of the semester again when deadlines come together hand in hand to terrorise. Oh well, time to call the allies in.


Monday, 14 March 2011

Japan Disaster

Is there anyone out there who can forget the Pearl Harbour incident in Decemner 7 , 1941? The sneaky attacks that has been repeated throughout our history books, tested in O levels history, again in A level history. The steamy scene where Kate Beckinsale and Ben Affleck showed their affections in the hangar... No one will be able to forget all this. So why then, does it gives the right for people to criticise those who blame Karma for the natural disaster at Japan?

"It is immoral, you imbeciles! Why must you hit Japan at their lowest point by bringing up Karma? We should move on!"
Why do u all become so defensive of Japan? Is it because they brought you pokemon, your favourite PSP , Sony Playstation, and that is why you all feel more attached to them?

I am one who believe in retribution. Do to others what you want others to do to you. Sometimes, god has/have a funny way of punishing us. Maybe , this served as a huge lesson to everyone. Time to sit up, take responsibility, change our mindsets, do good for humanity. History teaches us to learn from past mistakes and move on. The thing is, how many of us can truly say we have moved on? How can we, as normal beings, deny someone of the right to be remembered of their sad past that drives their hatred or anger today?

Remember this. What I believe does not means I stand for it. I respect their viewpoint. If you all who keep exclaiming those people should just die because they are blaming it on karma, then think again. Could you ever understand their pain and losses, when their loved ones were sneaked up by the Japs, died under the merciless attacks without even having a chance to say goodbye. Think again....

What I hope the world will learn from the past decade is simply to be more responsible for our future generations. A little sacrifice will come a long way for the young ones. The thing that worries me most is the nuclear meltdown that may occur anytime. If it do happens, my heart goes all out to Japan. They will have to suffer a second nuclear scar in the nation's history. Imagine a much part of their north east will be non-habitual. Furthermore, Korea Peninsula will be affected with those minute radioactive particles floating in the air.

Nuclear energy is indeed a good choice to replace fuel-reliant energy. However, when a disaster strikes, it just multiplies the enormity of the catastrophic end result. I can never imagine if Indonesia or Malaysia does build one. Indonesia is never reliable to tap on such high-end technology. Look at the geographical location of Indonesia, is it even conceivable for them build a nuke plant? Once the world shake, and the whole SEA will be wiped out.

Oh well, that sums up what I have to say for the whole issue. Please, no meltdown.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Japan Disaster

People are now arguing whether it is a fair statement to say that Japan deserve this earthquake. Yes, it is true, no countries or should I say any human being should have their right to live be taken away without their permission. However, the key player that determines one's fate is natural disaster.

As a normal being, no one is able to dictate when should a natural disaster occur. So then, this leads to the question of who, or which superior being other than humans, create this natural events. The religious one will say god, while mathematicians will base it on probabilities and stats. Is it karma then that caused Japan to face their worst natural disaster? I will not deny this probability. Think about what they did to the many innocent Chinese people in World War 2, killing these defenceless civilians without battling an eyelid.

I won't disagree with this argument, but I can't stand for it, as something that is natural is beyond human control, what more to decide whose judgement is right.

Update more later on.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Nice Song worth sharing. hopefully it doesn't happen.

Project sucks

Yes it really do sucks when the people u work with can be so anal at times.

Waiting, quietly waiting.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Angst to let it out. Hmm, Why comment when you openly support another party? Nothing is wrong in supporting another party, but neither am I wrong to voice out my opinion on national policies and the fact of what is happening right now. Thanks for the cynical comment.

Anyway, want to say about another issue, but totally slipped off my mind.SSB 2216 sucking my soul for the night.


This song still tops my charts. Sums up what I have been going through. Past and present

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Y didn't I had to delay it. Y? Hopefully I will not be regretting it.
Procrastination should be eradicated.