Kind of uncomfortable to see how dependent on technology Uni will be.
Kinda of irritated by this person who was using the his/her laptop, typing furiously away. Pick u a freaking pen and write la, all the dadadadadada sound. zzz
Another thing is that, we have to keep logging in everyday to check on mail or IVLE to make sure we are not losing out on any stuff. Thank god, I have iphone to check on mails. But, using iPhone to check on IVLE is still not that user friendly. It is kind of a hassle actually.
Philo lecture was a like getting rammed by a truck. It is like a subject without any boundaries. It is not like english, where you knwo the boundaries is just grammar, tenses, and then have a wonderful vocabulary, you just answer the comprehension questions and write good essays. It is not like mathematics, as the boundary is just ask the mathematical questions using all the forumlas. It is not like science, where ok, the knowledge that you learn are all backed up the works of scientists over decades or maybe centuries.
Philosophy is like a subject that you have to think out of the box, no boundaries. Even what you say is crap, can be something that get you an A+. There was one example when the lecturer said that for those philosophy graduates, they may encounter a situation like this :
A lecturer puts a red ball in front of the class. And ask the class to argue whether is it a red ball. So....? I can actally argue that, is the colour of the ball red? Why is it red? Who defined red? Or should I argue in the context of is the ball a ball? can it be a cuboid , or a diamond? Why is it defined it as a ball.
Holy crap.