Saturday, 17 September 2011


This is the countless of times that I have said, " It's been a long time since I am back at this blog..." It is really hard to maintain this blog if you do not have the discipline to do so. Discipline is the key. At this stage of our lives, where most of us have different commitments to adhere too. many of us start to drift off from one another. Some respond to you enthusiastically, but some, just totally ignore you. Some ask you out, but want to assume things that are not true to begin with. It struck me to know when you book someone 5 months in advance, the person can still go back on his promise. I don't deny that things may crop up the last minute, but when you know that the person don't put in the effort to place this appointment in the first place, you really know where you stand in this person's heart. No matter how much excuses he can come up with, it just saddens me to know that early booking is deemed redundant. Well, a single backing out of the appointment is alright, it may not matter much. However, right now, 2 more people are backing out. What is this? The numbers are not really the matter here, the focus here is more of the psychological impact it creates in the future meet ups. The actions right now will create the ripple effect, I am kind of PMS-ing now. Just some inner frustration in me. Oh well. And screw it. I got to pay $17.60 this morning. Why? Cause I woke up late for lecture. 9.41am for a 10am lecture. Best of all? I live in Bedok.


kay said...
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kay said...

randomly surfing and chanced upon your blog!

These kinda things happen frequently and it's more likely due to the incongruence of how the other party perceives the importance of the friendships. And I do see where you come from, 'cos I'm one that invests a lot of emotions and effort into maintaining friendships as well. It's like my source of strength that keeps me going. I guess we are similar in this way! Don't feel that you are alone in this! (:

Anyway, university life will get more and more hectic as more and more responsibilities pile on you. I regretted losing some friends due to my inattentiveness for the past few years (not everyone is interested in a simple phone call. LOL). Just remember, never stray away from this personal value of yours. I believe it will be valuable at some point of our lives.

Don't feel bad for being different. Be proud and stay awesome!

Push on, young one!

Signing off,