Saturday, 20 September 2008

New Undies and Slippers!

So I woke up from my 10 hour slumber. i wonder how many survived through my that long post. Hmm, anyway wan to say is that, I am not against people signing on. I know that everybody needs ajob, people sign on cos they feel that it gives them a sense of security. All I want is that, once you sing on, please behave like you are doing your career and respect the rules. It is quite saddening to see that some NSF can behave better than a Regular.

Oh well, so off i went with some of my navy budies to Asian Kitchen at Citylink. Well, i won;t say the food is really fantastic, just above average lor. love the noodles, of the right taste.

In protest of the future rise in public transport, we decided to use a transport that uses classic environmental friendly energy. Our legs. LOL. Walked all the way to Bugis. Walked around and saw lots of promotion for F1. Feel like booking in early next week to watch the action. Saw hot models Woot! A funny incident happened to Cl in the morning. haahs.

Went BHG , decided to use up my Cap Land vouchers. So pondered quite awhile to buy what type of slipeprs. almost wanted to buy this flowery one, but on second thought, bought the teva one. LOL. Then buy undies. hahas. Finally new undies and slippers. All my slippers wre from my grandma for like the past few years. The pair i bought today maybe the first one I ever bought sia. lol.

Alright, watchging my Liverpool and Stoke match. Kinda of sian, No spark leh Torres. Stoke like a rock, keep whacking the ball away like they are a ping pong bat.
Oh well, tmr back to camp to do corrective work order. WTF!

1 comment:

Qi!ing said...

Ha he did a header though! stoke defense too strong la.. so many ppl at the goal post there sia..
